Tuesday 23 February 2010

NME magazine is a very popular music magazine, it is sold worldwide. The main image here shows an image of the three band members from ‘Muse’, this is also linked to the main headline ‘Muse’ in which the magazine shows us the main article in bold white text, and a quote from the article. The magazine also has plus along the side and up at the top in order to attract more readers to the magazine in case the main headline does not interest them.
The band members cover part of the magazine name, this shows that the magazine is popular and well known as you do not have to see all of it to know what it is.
The colours used in the writing on the cover are basic red and white, which is used on some tabloid newspapers. The colours make the text stand out, and also they are still easy to read.
The magazine follows the codes and conventions of most magazine front covers, having a headline, a central image, plugs and also the barcode which is needed, however this does not stand out as much as the rest of the text on the front cover or take your eye off the main central image.

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