Tuesday 23 February 2010

Using the information I gained from my questionnaire I thought about what type of magazine I should do, I saw that the most appealing music genre was indie, so I thought I would mainly have indie stories/themes, although since there were some results which showed people liking rock, I thought about adding a small section for that also, hoping that it would gain the magazine more readers.

However, when choosing a magazine they would prefer the results were quite evenly contributed, with Kerrang and NME having close numbers, as Kerrang is a rock magazine and has a rock genre it made me question my decision on the genre of the magazine I should do, so I tried to have a rock/indie genre in one hoping that it would enable me to have a larger audience.
Also, when looking at my results I realised the key target for the cost of my magazine would be around £3-5, to gain the maximum amount of readers possible it was necessary to have an average priced magazine with a lot of content. This was a fairly obvious result, having only one person who was will to pay £5+ for a magazine.

When asked whether the people taking the questionnaire would subscribe there was a larger number of those that wouldn’t, rather than subscribe. So I thought when making the magazine I would have a smaller section advertising subscriptions, but having an offer on it so that it may appeal to more people, gaining more subscriptions for the magazine possibly.

I thought that I would make my magazine target both genders, male and female, as my audience, mainly a 16+ audience as they are most likely to have an income with spare money as they do not have many things to pay for, this would link in well with the price of the magazine as it would allow me to think about how much they could possibly be earning and having a fair price for my target market.

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