Monday 19 April 2010

I am pleased with the overall outcome of my magazine, although there are possibly a few things I could do to make my magazine more professional, if I was able to have more time creating the magazine I believe I would have had chance to do this, for example, I would of changed the background on my front cover to something instead of the white and black stripes, I would of done this so that my style would not clash with this background, also, I would of used Adobe Photoshop more effectively in cutting out the members of the band to put onto the new background, that is if I had more time or used time more effectively. If I’d of made these modifications I believe that there would be a better outcome of the overall magazine, as it would look more appealing to the audiences, which originally I had targeted as a 16+ audience, I believed this worked well as the stories I had chosen could be related to that of what a 16 year old and above would want to do, such as ‘Top 10 Gigs’ which would allow them to see which gigs would be more appealing to them as this is the time when generally most people would go to gigs and concerts as they will have more spare time than an adult. Although, there are sections to the magazine also which would appeal to the more adult audience such as interviews with band members, and a band biography, these would also tend to appeal to the teenage audience also. I believe I could have done more on my double-page spread, also, as before I would of done this if I had more time/worked more efficiently, I would of added more detailed to the article giving more information to the reader about the band and I would of said more things to make it more interesting, although I am still pleased with the outcome of the double-page spread. However, I am most pleased with the outcome of my contents page, I believe this was the best part that my magazine, I had spent most of my time on the contents, this is where I was losing time for my double-page spread, and also editing the front cover more to make it better, I believe on the contents I have used the colours well, as well as the use of the pictures which I had took, also the pictures I took fitted well with the contents page. Also, I believe that the magazine I have created sticks to the most popular choice of music style as shown by my questionaire, which was indie/rock.

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