Monday 19 April 2010

When it came to finding a font for the masthead of my magazine, I found it quite difficult to do, I wanted to find a font which was not too plain, and I wanted to find one which was also quite large so that it would stand out from the rest of my background, the font I decided to use was called ‘Sumo’, which is where I got my initial idea for my magazine masthead, as the one I had before did not really work. After trying out this font , and other fonts on I found that this was the most suitable font to choose, although there were many other options which I could of used, however this one stood out to me and I believe it worked out well as it was what I wanted. Another font I was thinking of using was ‘Bin’, however I do not believe this one worked effectively so I chose to stick to the ‘Sumo’ font.

For the inside content of my magazine, I was unsure of what exactly I was looking for, I wanted something which was easily read at a small font, yet also it had to stand out from whatever background I used on that page, I also wanted the text to look good so that the magazine would look more professional. I did not use a website to find what font I wanted to use this time as it took too long to find a suitable font for my masthead, so I used one of the default fonts on Photoshop which I thought was suitable. The font I used was Berlin Sans FB Demi as this was the font I found most effective and stood out from the background, while still being at a small print, I used this font on all pages on the inside of my magazine.

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