Monday 19 April 2010

This is my magazine doube-page spread, I had originally tried to base the layout and content of my spread from the two double-page spreads seen earlier by NME although, they are not very similar, however, it is quite similar to the first double-page spread shown with 'The teenagers' as the style seems quite similar. I am quite impressed by the outcome of my double-page spread as it looks well done, although I believe I should of added more information to it, and also some quotes to make it stand out further to the reader, making it more appealing for them to read. However, the bright yellow colour does make parts of this article stand out to the reader, for example the tour dates and also the biography of the band member, this would get the reader interested and drag their attention to these sections getting them interested in the article, which would mean they would want to learn more and read the other sections of the article which do not stand out so much compared to the bright yellow. I have stuck with the house style I have created on this spread followed on from the contents page and also the front cover of my magazine. This, makes the writing easy to read as it is clearly visible from the black background, and also it is visible in contrast to the yellow background, so the reader should have no difficulties reading the article. I have used original images again in correlation to the profile of each band member, each biography section is linked to the picture beneath, meaning that the picture below is the band member that has been talked aabout in the profile. Also, the image above the largest piece of text shows that that section is about both members and not just one of them, Ithink that this is used effectively.

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